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Weights of Female Infants and Preschoolers in Japan

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare gathers data of children's measurements every 10 years. The latest survey was conducted in 2010. The data below presents weights of 0-6 years old girls in Japan. 50 percentile means the median value. You can see the pound version in table 2.

Table 1: Weights for girls, age 0 to 6 (unit: kg)

percentile 3 10 25 50 75 90 97
at birth 2.13 2.41 2.66 2.94 3.18 3.41 3.67
1 day 2.07 2.34 2.56 2.81 3.06 3.28 3.53
2 days 2.04 2.29 2.51 2.76 2.99 3.22 3.46
3 days 2.03 2.28 2.51 2.76 3.00 3.23 3.47
4 days 2.05 2.31 2.54 2.79 3.04 3.26 3.50
5 days 2.03 2.31 2.54 2.81 3.06 3.28 3.54
30 days 2.90 3.22 3.54 3.89 4.23 4.54 4.84
0 year, 1 to 2 months 3.39 3.73 4.08 4.47 4.86 5.20 5.54
2 to 3 months 4.19 4.58 4.97 5.42 5.86 6.27 6.67
3 to 4 months 4.84 5.25 5.67 6.15 6.64 7.08 7.53
4 to 5 months 5.35 5.77 6.21 6.71 7.23 7.70 8.18
5 to 6 months 5.74 6.17 6.62 7.14 7.67 8.17 8.67
6 to 7 months 6.06 6.49 6.95 7.47 8.02 8.53 9.05
7 to 8 months 6.32 6.75 7.21 7.75 8.31 8.83 9.37
8 to 9 months 6.53 6.97 7.43 7.97 8.54 9.08 9.63
9 to 10 months 6.71 7.15 7.62 8.17 8.74 9.29 9.85
10 to 11 months 6.86 7.31 7.78 8.34 8.93 9.49 10.06
11 to 12 months 7.02 7.46 7.95 8.51 9.11 9.68 10.27
1 year, 0 to 1 months 7.16 7.62 8.11 8.68 9.29 9.87 10.48
1 to 2 months 7.31 7.77 8.27 8.85 9.47 10.07 10.69
2 to 3 months 7.46 7.93 8.43 9.03 9.66 10.27 10.90
3 to 4 months 7.61 8.08 8.60 9.20 9.85 10.47 11.12
4 to 5 months 7.75 8.24 8.76 9.38 10.04 10.67 11.33
5 to 6 months 7.90 8.39 8.93 9.55 10.23 10.87 11.55
6 to 7 months 8.05 8.55 9.09 9.73 10.42 11.08 11.77
7 to 8 months 8.20 8.71 9.26 9.91 10.61 11.28 11.99
8 to 9 months 8.34 8.86 9.43 10.09 10.81 11.49 12.21
9 to 10 months 8.49 9.02 9.59 10.27 11.00 11.70 12.44
10 to 11 months 8.64 9.18 9.76 10.46 11.20 11.92 12.67
11 to 12 months 8.78 9.34 9.93 10.64 11.40 12.13 12.90
2 years, 0 to 6 months 9.30 9.89 10.53 11.29 12.11 12.90 13.73
6 to 12 months 10.18 10.85 11.56 12.43 13.36 14.27 15.23
3 years, 0 to 6 months 11.04 11.76 12.56 13.53 14.59 15.64 16.76
6 to 12 months 11.83 12.61 13.49 14.56 15.75 16.95 18.27
4 years, 0 to 6 months 12.56 13.39 14.33 15.51 16.84 18.21 19.73
6 to 12 months 13.27 14.15 15.15 16.41 17.89 19.43 21.20
5 years, 0 to 6 months 14.01 14.92 15.97 17.32 18.93 20.65 22.69
6 to 12 months 14.81 15.75 16.84 18.27 20.00 21.91 24.22
6 years, 0 to 6 months 15.71 16.68 17.81 19.31 21.15 23.21 25.77


Table 2: Weights for girls, age 0 to 6 (unit: pound)

percentile 3 10 25 50 75 90 97
at birth 4.7 5.3 5.9 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.1
1 day 4.6 5.2 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.8
2 days 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.1 7.6
3 days 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.1 7.7
4 days 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7
5 days 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.8
30 days 6.4 7.1 7.8 8.6 9.3 10.0 10.7
0 year, 1 to 2 months 7.5 8.2 9.0 9.9 10.7 11.5 12.2
2 to 3 months 9.2 10.1 11.0 11.9 12.9 13.8 14.7
3 to 4 months 10.7 11.6 12.5 13.6 14.6 15.6 16.6
4 to 5 months 11.8 12.7 13.7 14.8 15.9 17.0 18.0
5 to 6 months 12.7 13.6 14.6 15.7 16.9 18.0 19.1
6 to 7 months 13.4 14.3 15.3 16.5 17.7 18.8 20.0
7 to 8 months 13.9 14.9 15.9 17.1 18.3 19.5 20.7
8 to 9 months 14.4 15.4 16.4 17.6 18.8 20.0 21.2
9 to 10 months 14.8 15.8 16.8 18.0 19.3 20.5 21.7
10 to 11 months 15.1 16.1 17.2 18.4 19.7 20.9 22.2
11 to 12 months 15.5 16.4 17.5 18.8 20.1 21.3 22.6
1 year, 0 to 1 months 15.8 16.8 17.9 19.1 20.5 21.8 23.1
1 to 2 months 16.1 17.1 18.2 19.5 20.9 22.2 23.6
2 to 3 months 16.4 17.5 18.6 19.9 21.3 22.6 24.0
3 to 4 months 16.8 17.8 19.0 20.3 21.7 23.1 24.5
4 to 5 months 17.1 18.2 19.3 20.7 22.1 23.5 25.0
5 to 6 months 17.4 18.5 19.7 21.1 22.6 24.0 25.5
6 to 7 months 17.7 18.8 20.0 21.5 23.0 24.4 25.9
7 to 8 months 18.1 19.2 20.4 21.8 23.4 24.9 26.4
8 to 9 months 18.4 19.5 20.8 22.2 23.8 25.3 26.9
9 to 10 months 18.7 19.9 21.1 22.6 24.3 25.8 27.4
10 to 11 months 19.0 20.2 21.5 23.1 24.7 26.3 27.9
11 to 12 months 19.4 20.6 21.9 23.5 25.1 26.7 28.4
2 years, 0 to 6 months 20.5 21.8 23.2 24.9 26.7 28.4 30.3
6 to 12 months 22.4 23.9 25.5 27.4 29.5 31.5 33.6
3 years, 0 to 6 months 24.3 25.9 27.7 29.8 32.2 34.5 36.9
6 to 12 months 26.1 27.8 29.7 32.1 34.7 37.4 40.3
4 years, 0 to 6 months 27.7 29.5 31.6 34.2 37.1 40.1 43.5
6 to 12 months 29.3 31.2 33.4 36.2 39.4 42.8 46.7
5 years, 0 to 6 months 30.9 32.9 35.2 38.2 41.7 45.5 50.0
6 to 12 months 32.7 34.7 37.1 40.3 44.1 48.3 53.4
6 years, 0 to 6 months 34.6 36.8 39.3 42.6 46.6 51.2 56.8

Source is Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 乳幼児身体発育調査

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