Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology gathers the number of each religious group members. The registered religious groups report the number of their believers to the ministry by self-reporting. The reported numbers…
In 2015, total 181,810 religious corporations are registered on the official list. If a religious corporation registered themselves to the ministry or local governments, they can get tax incentives. The following data show the breakdown of…
There are 32,718 churches in Japan as of 2013 January 1st, which are registered on Agency for Cultural Affairs. Number of churches per population is higher in western Japan, and it is low in eastern Japan. Figure : Number of Churches per P…
Total 77,394 temples are registered on Agency for Cultural Affairs as of 2013 January 1st. Interestingly the number of temples is less than shrines'. Personally speaking, I thought the number of temples is larger than shrines'.The number o…
According to a survey by Agency for Cultural Affairs, there are 81,389 shrines in Japan as of 2013 Jan 1. The data below shows the number of shrines by prefecture. Low rate prefectures are Okinawa, Osaka, Tokyo, Kanagawa and Hokkaido. Okin…
Muslim population in Japan is approximately 100,000. There are no official statistic data of Muslim population in Japan. Professor Tanada at Waseda university researched Muslim population in Japan as of 2011. He estimated that approximatel…
A lot of Japanese people visit Shinto shrines or Buddhism temples in New Year’s holiday to make their wishes of health and happiness. I paid a visit to a local shrine and tossed saisen money (100 yen, $0.96 €0.70). The following table show…