Entries from 2019-09-01 to 1 month
In every April, students are measured their heights and weights at school. The government collects those data and publishes them each year. The following shows the data of 2017. Table 1: Average Height of Japanese Male Students, 2017 Age H…
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology reported the percentage of school classrooms which have air conditioners. The following data show the detail of those. The data cover only public schools (run by public governm…
The following table shows the changes in the population of Tokyo Metropolitan residents between 1989 and 2019. In Tokyo the population of over 74 is bigger than those of children's. Table: Changes in the Population of Tokyo Metropolitan, 1…
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare counts people's deaths and those causes day by day. According to the ministry, 288 persons were murdered in 2017. In 1995, the number of murder victims was 727. The number of victims has dropped 60%. …
National Police Agency reports the data of crimes every year. According to it, the crime rate in 2018 is 6.5 per 1000 people. The following data show the detail by prefecture. In this post, the crime rate means the number of reported crime…