Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) is a public TV station. Each TV set owner must have a contract with NHK by the Broadcast Act, regardless of whether you watch NHK or not. The owners have to pay the subscription fee every year. The data…
The data below shows the number of customers in Tokyo who have contracts with internet providers by communication method. FTTH: Fiber To The Home by using optical fiber DSL: Digital Subscriber Line, usually it uses telephone lines CATV: Ca…
According to IDC, Apple was the top supplier in the smartphone market in Japan, during 2014 July-September. Total 5.21 million smartphones were sold in 2014 July-September. Apple's market share was 64%. Figure : 2014 July-September Smartph…
The following data show the penetration rate per capita of smart TV in 2013, in Japan. In this article, smart TV means a TV which can be connected to the internet. 15.7% of the residents in Japan have smart TVs. Smart TV is spread in Kanag…
According to the research conducted by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 12.1% of the residents in Japan had tablet PCs in 2013. The penetration rate was highest in Tokyo (18.7%), followed by Kyoto, Fukuoka. Those three regi…
Mobile phone penetration rate (which includes smartphone, non-smartphone, and PHS) per capita was 71.4% in 2013. Prefecture next to Tokyo, Saitama had the highest rate 77.5%, followed by Tokyo and Kanagawa (also next to Tokyo). Northernmos…
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducted a survey about the penetration rate of IT equipments. According to it, the penetration rate of home PC is highest in Aichi where Nagoya is located. The lowest rate prefecture is Koc…
Yesterday June 27, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications released the result of survey about the smartphone penetration rate in 2013. The national smartphone penetration rate per capita was 39.1%. (It is 54.7% per household in Ma…
Japan Cabinet Office conducts surveys about the penetration rate of consumer durable goods every year. According to it, 93.2% of the households in Japan have mobile phones, as of 2014 March. Smartphone penetration rate is 54.7%. The table …