Last week I reported the top 10 causes of deaths in Japan in 2018, this time I report the top 10 causes of deaths in Japan by gender.
Table 1: Men's Top 10 Causes of Death in Japan, 2018
Rank | Cause | Cause | Number of deaths |
1 | 悪性新生物 | Malignant neoplasm | 218,625 |
2 | 心疾患 | Cardiac disease | 98,035 |
3 | 脳血管疾患 | Cerebrovascular disease | 52,398 |
4 | 肺炎 | Pneumonia | 52,158 |
5 | 老衰 | Senility | 28,200 |
6 | 不慮の事故 | Accident | 23,675 |
7 | 誤嚥性肺炎 | Aspiration pneumonitis | 21,652 |
8 | 慢性閉塞性肺疾患 | COPD | 15,324 |
9 | 自殺 | Suicide | 13,851 |
10 | 腎不全 | Renal failure | 13,230 |
Others | 161,990 | ||
Total | 699,138 |
Table 2: Women's Top 10 Causes of Death in Japan, 2018
Rank | Cause | Cause | Number of deaths |
1 | 悪性新生物 | Malignant neoplasm | 154,959 |
2 | 心疾患 | Cardiac disease | 110,186 |
3 | 老衰 | Senility | 81,405 |
4 | 脳血管疾患 | Cerebrovascular disease | 55,788 |
5 | 肺炎 | Pneumonia | 42,503 |
6 | 不慮の事故 | Accident | 17,563 |
7 | 誤嚥性肺炎 | Aspiration pneumonitis | 16,808 |
8 | 血管性等の認知症 | Vascular dementia | 13,144 |
9 | 腎不全 | Renal failure | 12,851 |
10 | アルツハイマー病 | Alzheimer's disease | 12,437 |
Others | 145,688 | ||
Total | 663,332 |
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