Here is the list of numbers of Japanese people who are staying outside Japan, and where they stay.
Rank | Country | Country | Number |
1 | アメリカ合衆国 | USA | 397,937 |
2 | 中国 | China | 140,931 |
3 | オーストラリア | Australia | 74,679 |
4 | 英国 | United Kingdom | 63,011 |
5 | カナダ | Canada | 56,891 |
6 | ブラジル | Brazil | 56,767 |
7 | タイ | Thailand | 49,983 |
8 | ドイツ | Germany | 36,669 |
9 | 韓国 | South Korea | 30,382 |
10 | フランス | France | 29,124 |
Source is the site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, as of 2012
I did not know so many Japanese are living in Brazil.
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Nose drops, spray type = 560 yen ($5.71 €4.24)
I had a stuffy nose. When a dentist treats my teeth, I am very uncomfortable by stuffy nose. So before visiting the dentist, I dosed the nose drop to make make breathing easier.