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Trend of the Death Rate by Age in Japan

In Japan, 1,268,432 persons died in 2013. It means that one person in a hundred dies in a year. The below shows the trend of the death rate by age in Japan. The society aged and many elderly people have become to die. So the death rate is getting higher year by year.

Tabel: Trend of the Death Rate by Age in Japan (unit: per 100,000)

Age\Year 1985 1995 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total 625.5 741.9 858.8 947.1 993.1 997.5 1009.1
0~4 145.3 118.3 73.9 64.4 68.9 60.8 57.0
5~9 21.1 19.0 11.1 8.6 13.8 9.3 8.5
10~14 16.5 15.9 9.8 9.4 12.4 8.7 8.1
15~19 47.2 39.6 27.6 23.6 29.0 22.9 21.2
20~24 57.1 52.1 46.9 43.7 48.0 40.7 40.3
25~29 60.9 53.4 51.5 48.0 52.6 46.8 43.4
30~34 74.5 64.4 62.0 58.9 62.3 53.2 52.6
35~39 104.2 88.7 86.9 78.0 83.4 73.4 72.2
40~44 175.6 143.7 128.5 117.5 122.2 111.0 106.3
45~49 277.1 228.9 205.9 182.4 191.1 171.2 169.7
50~54 455.6 371.5 331.3 289.3 297.3 273.8 269.4
55~59 654.3 565.3 484.9 454.3 454.2 421.4 409.5
60~64 948.7 917.4 730.1 657.4 682.1 662.5 655.0
65~69 1554.0 1397.9 1088.9 1009.5 1049.5 982.2 953.3
70~74 2717.5 2191.5 1821.1 1577.8 1581.8 1514.2 1473.3
75~79 4980.5 3827.8 3029.1 2730.8 2739.4 2637.5 2568.8
80~84 8540.5 6882.0 5109.4 4841.7 4912.1 4797.4 4721.1
85~89 14725.6 11847.5 8947.0 8473.8 8513.3 8472.0 8363.5
90~94 23364.8 21468.2 15167.7 14806.4 15016.1 14951.9 14624.2
95~99 23894.8 25328.5 25241.5 25357.3 24936.5
Over 100 37771.1 39892.0 41640.4 41147.1 39960.0

The data of Age 90~94 in 1985-1995 include over 95 cases.


Source is Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 人口動態調査

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