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Train fare from Tokyo to Enoshima = 1100 yen ($11.34 €8.66)

If you use Tokaido line and Odakyu line from Tokyo to Enoshima, train fare is 1100 yen ($11.34 €8.66). It takes 70 minutes. There are three Enoshima stations;

1. Enoshima: Enoden line

2. Katase Enoshima: Odakyu line

3. Shonan Enoshima: Shonan monorail

So there are three variations of train fare;

1160 yen for No.1 route

1100 yen for No.2 route

1080 yen for No.3 route.

Using the monorail is the cheapest. I found out it for the first time.

f:id:nbakki:20130502224924j:plain(C) 松林

Here is an Enoden line.


Today's headline of Japan


A school teacher in Osaka was suspended from duty for 6 months. Because she worked as a hooker, and someone reported it to the school anonymously. She had her big debt and tried to repay it with prostitution revenue. She worked at a shop which deliver girls to customers.

Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.