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Number of Medical Doctors in Japan, 2018

According to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 327,210 of medical doctors are regstered in Japan as of 2018.

The follwong data shows the changes in the number of medical doctors from 1982 to 2018.

Year Medical Doctors Rate of change
per 100,000 population
1982 167,952    141.5
1984 181,101 7.8 150.6
1986 191,346 5.7 157.3
1988 201,658 5.4 164.2
1990 211,797 5.0 171.3
1992 219,704 3.7 176.5
1994 230,519 4.9 184.4
1996 240,908 4.5 191.4
1998 248,611 3.2 196.6
2000 255,792 2.9 201.5
2002 262,687 2.7 206.1
2004 270,371 2.9 211.7
2006 277,927 2.8 217.5
2008 286,699 3.2 224.5
2010 295,049 2.9 230.4
2012 303,268 2.8 237.8
2014 311,205 2.6 244.9
2016 319,480 2.7 251.7
2018 327,210 2.4 258.8


Source is Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 平成30年(2018年)医師・歯科医師・薬剤師統計の概況

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