Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.

Number of Kids Has Been Decreasing for 35 Years in Japan

May 5th is Children's day in Japan. Every year Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications reports the number of children on May 4th. According to it, the number of children has been decreasing since 1982. The portion of children has been decreasing also since 1975.

Figure 1: The changes in the number of children (0-14 year-old) in Japan, 1950-2016


Year Total Age 0-14 Age 0-14 Age 15-64 Age 65-
  Population Population % % %
1950 83,200,000 29,430,000 35.4 59.7 4.9
1955 89,280,000 29,800,000 33.4 61.3 5.3
1960 93,420,000 28,070,000 30.0 64.2 5.7
1965 98,270,000 25,170,000 25.6 68.1 6.3
1970 103,720,000 24,820,000 23.9 69.0 7.1
1975 111,940,000 27,230,000 24.3 67.7 7.9
1980 117,060,000 27,520,000 23.5 67.4 9.1
1985 121,050,000 26,040,000 21.5 68.2 10.3
1990 123,610,000 22,540,000 18.2 69.7 12.1
1995 125,570,000 20,030,000 16.0 69.5 14.6
2000 126,930,000 18,510,000 14.6 68.1 17.4
2005 127,770,000 17,590,000 13.8 66.1 20.2
2010 128,060,000 16,840,000 13.1 63.8 23.0
2015 127,130,000 16,200,000 12.7 60.9 26.4
2016 126,980,000 16,050,000 12.6 60.3 27.0

The data of 2015 and 2016 are provisional. They will be adjusted later.

Figure 2: The changes in the percentage of children (0-14 year-old) in Japan, 1950-2016


Source is Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.


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