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Gas Fan Heater = 24,000 yen ($200.00 €163.27)

My family used to have a gas fan heater. But its cord was bitten by the hamster and the fan heater was broken. We bought a new gas fan heater for 24,000 yen ($200.00 €163.27) at a department store.

東京ガス 35号ガスファンヒーター (ガス種 都市ガス13A) シンプルタイプ シティホワイト RR-4014S-W 【F型ガスコード3mセット】f:id:nbakki:20150101162657j:plain

Images below are the cord bitten by the hamster. Tokyo Gas told me it probably takes 10,000 yen for repair. So my wife and I decided to buy a new heater.

f:id:nbakki:20141224000003j:plain f:id:nbakki:20141224000008j:plain

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