Nikkei newspaper group estimated the 2013 convenience store market share in Japan. According to it, 7-Eleven was the largest chain in Japan. 7-Eleven has 16,319 stores (as of 2014 Feb), followed by Lawson (11,606 stores, 2014/2), Familymart (11,024 stores, 2014/9), Circle K Sunkus (6322 store, 2014/9) and Ministop (2153 stores, 2014/9).
Figure : Convenience Store Market Share in Japan, 2013
Chain | Market share (%) |
7-Eleven | 38.5 |
Lawson | 19.8 |
Familymart | 18.9 |
Circle K Sunkus | 10.3 |
Ministop | 3.5 |
Others | 9.0 |
The source of the market share is Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun newspaper, the article on 2014 July 28th.
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