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Map, book type = 1260 yen ($12.60 €9.69)

I bought a map book of Tokyo downtown for 1260 yen ($12.60 €9.69) at a book store. Its scale is 1/10,000 and covers all of 23 wards of Tokyo. Walking towns is my favorite hobby. When I go walking, I carry this map. 





Today's headline of Japan

Tokyo July 19

15-years-old high school girl was knifed in her left arm.

In the evening a stranger male approached her to ask the direction to the station. She pointed out the station by her left hand. Suddenly the man attacked her and ran away. her injury is not serious.

4 hours before this incident, at 2 km from the scene 8-years-old boy was knifed in his wrist. He got a scratch on his wrist. It is unknown these were caused by the same man.



Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.