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Changes in the Prices of Calpis in Japan, 1970-2014

Calpis is fermented lactic drink sold in Japan.

カルピス 470ml×3本

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications monitors the price of Calpis monthly.

The data below show the changes in the price indexes of Calpis between 1970 and 2014, if the price in 2010 is taken as 100.


Year Index (2010 = 100) Price of 1000ml Calpis (yen)
1970 59.3 382
1971 59.6 384
1972 59.5 383
1973 59.6 384
1974 74.5 480
1975 86.9 560
1976 90.3 582
1977 90.3 582
1978 89.7 578
1979 89.6 577
1980 89.7 578
1981 90.5 583
1982 103.3 665
1983 103.3 665
1984 103.3 665
1985 103.1 664
1986 103.0 663
1987 102.4 659
1988 102.2 658
1989 103.5 667
1990 104.0 670
1991 103.8 668
1992 110.3 710
1993 114.3 736
1994 114.0 734
1995 113.3 730
1996 113.2 729
1997 116.9 753
1998 119.9 772
1999 120.0 773
2000 117.3 755
2001 115.3 743
2002 113.3 730
2003 111.6 719
2004 109.3 704
2005 107.5 692
2006 105.4 679
2007 102.5 660
2008 103.9 669
2009 102.8 662
2010 100.0 644
2011 100.2 645
2012 101.8 656
2013 101.0 650
2014 101.6 654

The next graph shows the changes in 1000ml calpis price from 1970 to 2014.


Source is Statistics Bureau. 消費者物価指数 (CPI) 結果

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