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Gender Ratio by Prefecture in Japan

The population of Japan in 2013 was 61,909,000 men and 65,388,000 women. The population of women is larger than men's, and the gender ratio (sex ratio) was 94.7. It means men : women = 94.7 : 100
The figure below shows gender ratios by prefecture. In red prefectures, women's ratio is higher, and lower in blue prefectures. Men's population was larger than women's only in Saitama and Kanagawa. Both of them are next to Tokyo. The ratio of men is not so low near Tokyo.
The maximum gap exists in Nagasaki. It seems that women's ratios are higher in far prefectures from Tokyo, except Okinawa. 
Figure : Gender ratios by prefecture in 2013 (women =100)


Prefecture Gender ratio
Saitama 100.2
Kanagawa 100.2
Aichi 99.8
Ibaraki 99.4
Chiba 99.0
Tochigi 98.7
Shiga 97.6
Tokyo 97.5
Shizuoka 97.0
Gunma 96.9
Okinawa 96.3
Yamanashi 95.7
Mie 95.0
Miyagi 94.9
Fukushima 94.9
Nagano 94.6
Ishikawa 93.8
Fukui 93.8
Gifu 93.8
Niigata 93.7
Toyama 93.2
Hiroshima 93.2
Osaka 93.1
Kagawa 93.1
Yamagata 92.3
Okayama 92.2
Kyoto 92.0
Shimane 91.9
Iwate 91.6
Hyogo 91.5
Tottori 91.2
Tokushima 90.5
Oita 89.7
Nara 89.5
Fukuoka 89.4
Yamaguchi 89.3
Hokkaido 89.2
Saga 89.1
Ehime 88.9
Wakayama 88.8
Kochi 88.7
Kumamoto 88.7
Aomori 88.6
Miyazaki 88.5
Akita 88.3
Kagoshima 87.8
Nagasaki 87.6

Source is Statistics Bureau.


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