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Average Height of Japanese Students in Tokyo

In every April, students are measured their heights and weights at school. The government collects those data and publishes them each year. The below is the data of 2013 in Tokyo.

The 2017 version is Average Height of Japanese Students, 2017 

Table 1: Average height of male students

  Height Seating height
Age Average (cm) Average (feet) Standard deviation Average (cm) Standard deviation
5 110.8 3'8" 4.88 62.2 3.01
6 117.1 3'10" 5.16 65.1 2.95
7 123.2 4'1" 5.02 67.9 2.89
8 128.8 4'3" 5.37 70.6 2.92
9 133.9 4'5" 5.79 72.7 3.22
10 139.9 4'7" 6.00 75.3 3.20
11 145.7 4'9" 7.11 77.9 3.70
12 152.5 5'0" 7.78 81.3 4.47
13 159.9 5'3" 7.48 85.0 4.41
14 165.6 5'5" 6.87 88.2 4.19
15 169.1 5'7" 5.71 90.8 3.46
16 170.5 5'7" 5.85 91.7 3.23
17 170.8 5'7" 5.62 92.2 3.05

Table 2: Average height of female students

  Height Seating height
Age Average (cm) Average (feet) Standard deviation Average (cm) Standard deviation
5 109.8 3'7" 4.84 61.5 3.06
6 115.9 3'10" 5.02 64.5 2.99
7 121.9 3'12" 5.30 67.3 3.00
8 127.6 4'2" 5.57 69.9 2.96
9 134.3 4'5" 5.95 73.0 3.35
10 140.4 4'7" 7.12 76.0 3.78
11 147.3 4'10" 7.02 79.5 3.95
12 152.0 4'12" 6.18 82.1 3.77
13 155.3 5'1" 5.29 83.9 3.08
14 156.7 5'2" 5.29 84.8 2.95
15 157.7 5'2" 5.23 85.8 2.98
16 158.3 5'2" 5.34 86.1 2.93
17 158.6 5'2" 5.67 86.3 3.09


Source is Statistics Division Bureau of General Affairs.


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