The following shows the average monthly salary by size of business in Tokyo. It is about data of 2013 November.
You have to enter into a big company to get much money. I work for a small office (30 to 99). It is sad.
Size of business (number of employees) | Total (yen) | $ | Euro | Men (yen) | Women (yen) |
more than 500 | 468,141 | 4590 | 3344 | 551,009 | 313,643 |
100 to 499 | 378,041 | 3706 | 2700 | 446,402 | 262,994 |
30 to 99 | 322,605 | 3163 | 2304 | 384,821 | 230,718 |
5 to 29 | 258,340 | 2533 | 1845 | 325,930 | 178,647 |
Source is Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
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