Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducts surveys about hobbies of people every 5 years. Last time they conducted the survey in 2011, then released the result in 2012. The following shows "Participants in Hobbies and Amusements" in Japan. According to it, 54,000,000 people enjoy listening music on CD.
Hobby | Hobby | Participants (x 1000) | |
1 | CD・テープ・レコードなどによる音楽鑑賞 | Listening music on CD, tape, record | 54,167 |
2 | DVD・ビデオなどによる映画鑑賞(テレビからの録画は除く) | Watching movies on DVD, Video (Excluding recorded TV program) | 46,153 |
3 | 趣味としての読書 | Reading as a hobby | 45,086 |
4 | 映画鑑賞(テレビ・ビデオ・DVDなどは除く) | Watching movies (Excluding TV,Video,DVD) |
39,990 |
5 | テレビゲーム・パソコンゲーム(家庭で行うもの,携帯用を含む) | Video game, PC game |
37,993 |
6 | 遊園地,動植物園,水族館などの見物 | Sightseeing amusement park , zoo and aquarium | 35,967 |
7 | カラオケ | Karaoke | 33,071 |
8 | 園芸・庭いじり・ガーデニング | Gardening | 30,379 |
9 | 写真の撮影・プリント | Photography | 28,550 |
10 | スポーツ観覧(テレビ・DVDなどは除く) | Watching sports (Excluding TV,DVD) | 21,178 |
11 | 趣味としての料理・菓子作り | Cooking as a hobby | 19,670 |
12 | 美術鑑賞(テレビ・DVDなどは除く) | Watching arts (Excluding TV,DVD) | 18,863 |
13 | 音楽会などによるポピュラー音楽・歌謡曲鑑賞 | Going to a modern music concert | 14,151 |
14 | 演芸・演劇・舞踊鑑賞(テレビ・DVDなどは除く) | Watching plays (Excluding TV,DVD) | 13,362 |
15 | 編み物・手芸 | Knitting, handicrafts | 11,573 |
16 | パチンコ | Pachinko | 11,373 |
17 | 楽器の演奏 | Playing instruments | 10,915 |
18 | 日曜大工 | Do-it-yourself | 10,127 |
19 | 音楽会などによるクラシック音楽鑑賞 | Going to a classical music concert | 9,782 |
20 | 和裁・洋裁 | Japanese dressmaking, dressmaking | 7,318 |
21 | キャンプ | Camp | 6,221 |
22 | 書道 | Calligraphy | 4,659 |
23 | 将棋 | Japanese chess | 3,929 |
24 | 絵画・彫刻の制作 | Painting and carving | 3,604 |
25 | コーラス・声楽 | Chorus & Vocal | 3,179 |
26 | 詩・和歌・俳句・小説などの創作 | Writing poetry, haiku, novel | 2,532 |
27 | 陶芸・工芸 | Ceramics and Crafts | 2,506 |
28 | 華道 | Flower arrangement | 2,276 |
29 | 邦楽(民謡,日本古来の音楽を含む) | Japanese music (Including folk songs, traditional music) | 1,976 |
30 | 洋舞・社交ダンス | Western dance, ballroom dancing | 1,940 |
31 | 邦舞・おどり | Japanese dance | 1,812 |
32 | 茶道 | Tea ceremony | 1,700 |
33 | 囲碁 | Game of go | 1,528 |
その他 | Other | 7,500 |
Source is Statistics Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
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