Television set owner must have a Broadcast Receiving Contract with NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai, its meaning is Japan Broadcasting Association). NHK is the public television organization, in addition to it there are private broadcasting stations. I can watch 2 NHK channels and 8 channels of private stations at home. Under the Broadcast Receiving Contract, television set owners have to pay TV receiving fee regularly. It costs 14,160 ($150.64 €112.38) yen per year.
If you dislike NHK channel and you do not watch NHK, is it necessary to pay the fee?
Yes, you have to pay the fee regardless of whether you watch NHK channel or not.
If your TV was broken and you can not watch NHK, is it necessary to pay the fee?
Yes, as long as you have the TV itself, you have to pay the fee.
NHK often sues the viewers who do not pay the fee.
NHK broadcasting center