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What Time Do Japanese People Go To Bed?

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducted a survey about people's daily life, such as what time they get up, go to bed, or take breakfast. According to it, the average time of going to bed is 23:15 on weekdays. We do not use summer time, so it is valid through a whole year. The survey was conducted in 2011.

Table : Average time of going to bed on weekdays

Number of samples Population 10 years and over (1000) Participation rate in going to bed (%) Average time of going to bed
 66,301  114,061 99.5 23:15

The following shows the breakdown of what time Japanese people go to bed on weekdays.

Time %
<20 1.39
20-21 3.15
21-22 11.88
22-23 22.22
23-24 31.30
0-1 16.29
1-2 6.93
2-3 3.60
3-4 1.48
4< 2.06


Source is Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

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