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Changes in the Price of Futon in Japan, 1970-2014

Futon is a Japanese bedding.

清潔布団セット 「アプロディーテ」 超ボリューム敷布団 防ダニ 抗菌防臭 吸汗 速乾 日本製 (シングル(掛:150cm×210cm 敷:100cm×210cm 枕:43cm×63cm), 布団3点セットのみ)

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications monitors the price of futon monthly.

The data below show the changes in the price indexes of futon between 1970 and 2014, if the price in 2010 is taken as 100.


Year Index (2010 = 100) Price of a futon (yen)
1970 102.9 8,354
1971 105.2 8,541
1972 103.1 8,371
1973 110.2 8,947
1974 132.0 10,717
1975 132.7 10,774
1976 134.8 10,944
1977 141.1 11,456
1978 142.3 11,553
1979 143.6 11,659
1980 151.7 12,317
1981 157.5 12,787
1982 160.8 13,055
1983 164.1 13,323
1984 165.3 13,421
1985 165.4 13,429
1986 168.4 13,672
1987 165.1 13,404
1988 163.8 13,299
1989 166.9 13,551
1990 165.1 13,404
1991 163.3 13,258
1992 160.3 13,015
1993 157.0 12,747
1994 149.3 12,122
1995 143.3 11,635
1996 138.7 11,261
1997 136.4 11,074
1998 133.3 10,823
1999 132.3 10,741
2000 127.7 10,368
2001 120.9 9,816
2002 115.7 9,394
2003 112.9 9,166
2004 110.8 8,996
2005 107.6 8,736
2006 107.5 8,728
2007 106.9 8,679
2008 106.5 8,647
2009 102.6 8,330
2010 100.0 8,119
2011 99.7 8,095
2012 102.1 8,289
2013 101.7 8,257
2014 103.7 8,419

The next graph shows the changes in the futon price from 1970 to 2014.


Source is Statistics Bureau. 消費者物価指数 (CPI) 結果

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