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Changes in the Price of Children's Shoes in Japan, 1970-2015

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications monitors the price of children's shoes monthly.

The data below show the changes in the price indexes of children's shoes between 1970 and 2015, if the price in 2015 is taken as 100.


Year Index (2015 = 100) Price of children's shoes (yen)
1970 22.8 714
1971 26.4 827
1972 30 939
1973 38.6 1,209
1974 56.3 1,763
1975 61.7 1,932
1976 65.3 2,045
1977 68.2 2,135
1978 69.4 2,173
1979 69.7 2,182
1980 72.1 2,257
1981 74.2 2,323
1982 74.5 2,333
1983 74.7 2,339
1984 75.4 2,361
1985 76.4 2,392
1986 77.6 2,430
1987 79.9 2,502
1988 81 2,536
1989 84.8 2,655
1990 87.4 2,736
1991 92.1 2,884
1992 93.7 2,934
1993 94.5 2,959
1994 93.8 2,937
1995 94 2,943
1996 93.9 2,940
1997 96 3,006
1998 98.7 3,090
1999 99.9 3,128
2000 99.6 3,118
2001 99.7 3,122
2002 99.9 3,128
2003 98.4 3,081
2004 98 3,068
2005 96.1 3,009
2006 94.6 2,962
2007 93.3 2,921
2008 93.4 2,924
2009 95.2 2,981
2010 95.3 2,984
2011 92.9 2,909
2012 92.3 2,890
2013 92.8 2,906
2014 97.8 3,062
2015 100 3,131


Source is Statistics Bureau. 消費者物価指数 (CPI) 結果

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