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Changes in Population of Kitakyushu City, 1920-2014

The following data show the changes in population of Kitakyushu city, from 1920 to 2014. Its population is on a long-term declining trend.


Year Households Population Men Women
1920 64,522 289,460 159,163 130,297
1925 79,399 352,804 187,073 165,731
1930 103,242 473,391 248,644 224,747
1935 119,855 581,757 303,569 278,188
1940 152,664 747,106 397,442 349,664
1945 114,931 505,061
1950 159,341 711,306 357,490 353,816
1955 190,424 868,032 431,201 436,831
1960 234,488 986,401 492,897 493,504
1965 271,365 1,042,388 512,078 530,310
1970 297,233 1,042,321 504,928 537,393
1975 323,856 1,058,058 513,149 544,909
1980 351,310 1,065,078 514,167 550,911
1985 358,382 1,056,402 506,618 549,784
1990 367,341 1,026,455 488,120 538,335
1995 388,741 1,019,598 483,936 535,662
2000 408,080 1,011,471 478,605 532,866
2005 413,510 993,525 466,779 526,746
2010 420,702 976,846 459,305 517,541
2014 429,123 963,259 453,035 510,224

Source is City of Yokohama. 大都市比較統計年表 I 土地及び気象 ~ V 工業 [H26 ~]

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