Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.


Entrance fee of a prestigious kindergarten = 900,000 yen ($9,473.68 €7,200.00)

My friend works for a university and that university has a subsidiary kindergarten. That kindergarten is prestigious and its entrance fee is 900,000 yen ($9,473.68 €7,200.00). © 2012 RICOH JAPAN I think entrance fee of a common kindergarte…

Weekly newspaper for kids = 500 yen per month ($5.38 € 4.03)

Weekly newspaper for kids costs 500 yen ($5.38 € 4.03) per month. Every Thursday this 20 page newspaper is delivered to my house. Its target audience is probably 7 years-old to 12 years-old kids. If you want to know something, ask me pleas…

Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.