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How Much Does It Cost to Prepare a College Life?

In Japan, you need approximately 1.7-1.9 million yen to prepare a college life. The cost includes examination fees (usually students take two or more university entrance exams), tuition, expense for the enrollment ceremony, textbooks, and housing cost. The following is the breakdown of it.

Table 1: Cost for preparing a college life (unit: Japanese Yen)


  National Univ. Private Univ.
Item Unit: Yen Unit: Yen
Examination fee 181,200 188,600
Tuition 648,500 957,800
Enrollment ceremony 25,300 18,900
Textbooks 197,100 152,800
Housing 187,700 214,700
Houseware 233,800 196,000
Others 221,800 160,200
Total 1,695,400 1,889,000

Table 2: Cost for preparing a college life (unit: Dollar, Euro)

  National Univ. Private Univ. National Univ. Private Univ.
Item Unit: Dollar Unit: Dollar Unit: Euro Unit: Euro
Examination fee 1,707 1,777 1,377 1,433
Tuition 6,110 9,024 4,927 7,276
Enrollment ceremony 238 178 192 144
Textbooks 1,857 1,440 1,497 1,161
Housing 1,769 2,023 1,426 1,631
Houseware 2,203 1,847 1,776 1,489
Others 2,090 1,509 1,685 1,217
Total 15,974 17,798 12,880 14,351

Source is Asahi Shimbun newspaper, article on Jan 29, 2018.

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