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Sweet bun with chocolate = 99 yen ($0.97 €0.75)

My wife bought sweet buns with chocolate chips for 99 yen ($0.97 €0.75). It contains 6 sticks.


You can see other images of it in Google search, to see them, click here.


Today's headline of Japan 

Tokyo May 22

20-years-old night-school student Yazaki and his male pal lit fire on the leg of his classmate at some friend's house. The classmate was seriously injured.  Before this incident, the classmate refused Yazaki's offer to go out with him at night. Yazaki was upset about it, then he lit fire. Yazaki ordered another student to take a video clip of burning by a smart phone. The student who took the movie reported it to the teacher. Yazaki and his pal were arrested.

Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.