Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.

Admission fee of Yumemigasaki Zoo = 0 yen

I went to Yumemigasaki Zoo in Kawasaki city. It is a small zoo run by Kawasaki city. There is no charge to enter the zoo.




Mountain Zebra


Brown Lemur


Siberian Elk


Guinea Pig cage No.1 


Guinea Pig cage No.2

There are lots of guinea pigs. It is fun to see bunch of them.



Today's headline of Japan

Ishikawa May 20

20-years-old college male student had an accident with his own spear during practicing javelin throw. When he was walking to retrieve his thrown spear, he was thinking another thing and did not notice the spear was there. The spear pierced his body from belly to his back. He was seriously injured, but not life-threatening.  

Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.