Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.

Surgery for Removing Mucous Cysts = 3320 yen ($30.18 €27.90)

A mucous cyst developed on my daughter's lower lip. Usually a cyst on a lip does not cause severe trouble. But in her case, the cyst was a kind of big one and looks ugly. She had decided to remove it, and went to a dentist clinic to be removed the mucous cyst. It was an hour surgery. It cost 3320 yen ($30.18 €27.90).

The step was

1. Local anesthesia

2. The dentist cuts her lip and remove the cyst

3. My daughter got 8 stitches

4. Two days later, she will go to the dentist to show the status

5. One week later, she will go to the dentist to be removed out stitches

Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.