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Changes in the Prices of Rice in Japan, 1970-2014

Japanese government researches the prices of goods in the market every month. In order to calculate the Consumer Price Index, the government computes the price indexes of goods. The following shows the changes in the price indexes of rice between 1970 and 2014, if the price in 2010 is taken as 100.

1993 was a lean year of rice crop. The price was high temporarily. 2003 was also a lean year.


Year Index (2010 = 100) Price of 5kg rice (yen)
1970 44.6 1080
1971 44.8 1085
1972 46.5 1126
1973 50.3 1218
1974 57.2 1385
1975 73.9 1790
1976 84.9 2056
1977 93.3 2260
1978 98.9 2395
1979 101.0 2446
1980 103.7 2512
1981 107.8 2611
1982 112.0 2713
1983 114.2 2766
1984 118.3 2865
1985 122.0 2955
1986 122.8 2974
1987 122.8 2974
1988 120.8 2926
1989 122.6 2969
1990 124.0 3003
1991 123.9 3001
1992 128.8 3120
1993 132.6 3212
1994 145.3 3519
1995 127.3 3083
1996 124.1 3006
1997 123.1 2981
1998 118.2 2863
1999 120.1 2909
2000 115.2 2790
2001 111.6 2703
2002 111.2 2693
2003 115.4 2795
2004 126.6 3066
2005 109.8 2659
2006 106.4 2577
2007 104.5 2531
2008 103.2 2500
2009 103.6 2509
2010 100.0 2422
2011 96.0 2325
2012 104.8 2538
2013 106.9 2589
2014 100.1 2424

Next graph presents the changes in the prices of 5kg rice.


Source is Statistics Bureau. 消費者物価指数 (CPI) 結果

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