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Home Personal Computer Penetration Rate by Prefecture in 2013, Japan

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducted a survey about the penetration rate of IT equipments. According to it, the penetration rate of home PC is highest in Aichi where Nagoya is located. The lowest rate prefecture is Kochi. Kochi is also the lowest in terms of smartphone.

These statistics do not include the number of office PCs.

Figure: Penetration Rate per Capita of Home Personal Computer by Prefecture in 2013, Japan


Table: Penetration Rate per Capita of Home Personal Computer by Prefecture in 2013, Japan

Prefecture Penetration Rate %
Average 56.6
Aichi 65.7
Kyoto 64.8
Tokyo 64.6
Shiga 63.1
Kanagawa 62.6
Saitama 61.5
Osaka 60.4
Mie 59.5
Fukuoka 58.7
Toyama 58.4
Hyogo 57.9
Hiroshima 56.4
Yamanashi 56.3
Kagawa 56.0
Shizuoka 55.8
Nara 55.3
Okayama 55.2
Gifu 55.0
Ishikawa 54.9
Miyagi 54.8
Fukui 54.6
Chiba 54.1
Gunma 53.3
Nagano 52.9
Ibaraki 52.1
Yamaguchi 51.9
Saga 51.6
Tochigi 51.0
Ehime 51.0
Hokkaido 50.8
Wakayama 49.6
Okinawa 49.2
Tokushima 49.0
Akita 48.7
Nagasaki 48.0
Oita 48.0
Niigata 47.8
Tottori 47.8
Shimane 47.6
Fukushima 46.5
Kumamoto 45.6
Aomori 44.8
Miyazaki 44.4
Iwate 44.0
Yamagata 43.3
Kagoshima 40.7
Kochi 39.2

Source is Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

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