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Outfits which new student of a junior high school has to buy = 89,290 yen ($884.06 €633.26)

My son will enter the junior high school from April. Before it, I had to buy his outfits at the school-designated stores with the fixed price. The school designated outfits, then students are not allowed to use other outfits. I think there are some exceptional cases for transferred students from another school.

The total cost of outfits was 89,290 yen ($884.06 €633.26). It is expensive. The following table shows the price of outfits I bought for my son.

  Yen $ Euro
Dedicated school bag  5730 57.3 40.9
Dedicated socks  1000 10 7.1
Dedicated indoor shoes 2400 24 17.1
Dedicated long sleeve gym uniform 6300 63 45.0
Dedicated gym pants 5250 52.5 37.5
Dedicated short sleeve gym uniform 2000 20 14.3
Dedicated gym short pants 2900 29 20.7
Uniform  30870 308.7 220.5
Dedicated tie 1470 14.7 10.5
Dedicated shirts (2 shirts)  5460 54.6 39.0
Dedicated belt  2100 21 15.0
Dedicated sweater  5250 52.5 37.5
Dedicated summer pants  10260 102.6 73.3
Dedicated short sleeve shirts (2 shirts)  5400 54 38.6
Dedicated gym shoes 2900 29 20.7
Total 89290 892.9 637.8

Here are the dedicated indoor shoes. 


Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.