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Hamster Running Wheel = 800 yen ($7.84 €5.88)

I bought a hamster running wheel for 800 yen ($7.84 €5.88) at a DIY shop. Usual Japanese house in Tokyo does not have big space, so a hamster and his owner live closer in the house. We can feel the hamster running at night. Running in a wheel makes loud noise and the owner can not sleep well. Japanese manufacturers of running wheels have been developing silent running wheels for long time. The running wheel I bought is one of the most silent wheel. But unfortunately it is not big enough for my hamster's body size. The hamster does not like to use new running wheel. The hamster uses the bigger running wheel which we bought two month ago. The bigger one does not fit the cage and it makes noise. 


Table of Contents of Statistics/Rankings/Graphs is here.